99 Restaurant Fundraiser TOMORROW and Gillette Volunteers Needed!!


99 Restaurant Fundraiser and Gillette Volunteers Needed!

Hi Everyone!!

Hope you are all getting some rest now that we have concluded a great marching band season! To help you get some more much needed rest why not let someone else do the cooking? We will be having our next restaurant fundraiser tomorrow from 4-8PM at the 99 in Foxboro. Please click HERE for flyer and 15% of all sales will go back to the band!! You MUST present the flyer for the band to get credit We will also be selling (and taking orders) for custom ornaments as well as raffling off a board full of scratch tickets…..who is feeling lucky?!?!?

We also are in need of 2 volunteers (1 can be a student) for the Patriots game on Sunday 11/24 against the Cowboys. We also are still in need of many volunteers on 12/7 for the MIAA High School Superbowls….this is an easy event to work as there is no beer/alcohol served at this event. PLEASE volunteer when you can….we are coming into the home stretch of this Gillette season and we need everyone’s help to make it a success. Please sign up HERE